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January 2024 Seed-lending or Intake Days

Happy growing in 2024!

Here are our January seed-lending or intake days:

🌱Saturday January 13th Galiano Island South Community Hall – Winter Market from 10am-2pm
🌱Friday January 26th Galiano Community Library – 12-2pm
🌱Saturday January 27th Galiano Island South Community Hall – Winter Market from 10am-2pm

We’ve plenty of seeds to start early: flowers, herbs, onions and leeks.

By |2024-01-30T15:38:19-08:00January 17th, 2024|Events|

SLOG Events, Winter and Spring 2023

SLOG will host a number of “Seedy Saturdays” this winter and spring.

We will have seed lending, sorting, and drop-offs on the following days:

January 21 (Winter Market, South Hall 11am-1pm)
January 28 (Library 12-2pm)
February 18 (Winter Market, South Hall, 11am-1pm)
February 25 (Library, 12-2pm)
March 4 (Library, 12-2pm)
March 11 (Library, 12-2pm)
March 18 (Winter Market, South Hall, 11am-1pm)
March 25 (Library, 12-2pm)
April 29 (Winter Market, South Hall, 11am-1pm)

If you’d like to learn more about the Seed Library, our seed inventory and other resources are available here on our website at

By |2023-01-30T22:05:40-08:00January 30th, 2023|Events|


By Barry New

I wanted to write an article about beans. Then I realized that I wrote my best thoughts two years ago. But I still wanted to write more. I include here a story that might bring it all back home.

Thirty four years ago I moved to Sheffield, in 1988, and right away I signed up for an allotment. It came through shortly after that. It became a retreat from my busy working life and an oasis from urban concerns. I had had it for 20 years before I gave it up to return to Canada. Fortunately, my neighbour from that time, Jack, adopted it and most of my plantings. Seeds from that plot were part of my baggage when I came through Canadian customs in 2008. (That is another story!)

Anyways, I was fortunate to be able to revisit Sheffield last October, 2022, after a five- year gap to reconnect with my oldest/best friends. One special day, I sauntered among the many allotment sites on Sheffield’s outskirts. I didn’t know what to expect after being away for 15 years but at my old plot I saw someone moving amongst the overgrowth. It was Jack!

We had first met 33 years before and he had kept my old plot. Some of my trees were still there and my old shed. It was late in the season and he was harvesting some beans and more. He gave me some of runner beans to share with the couple I was staying with. Interestingly he was growing much of the same things I would be growing on Galiano; Brassicas, squash, greens, and tomatoes. He shared some ‘tree spinach’ seeds I will be trying this year.

It was probably the most emotional episode of my trip. I walked back to my ‘digs’ noting how all the shopfronts had changed. While my mind was elsewhere, my legs that had taken me home a thousand times knew the way.

Upcoming Events:

SLOG will have a number of “Seedy Saturdays” planned this winter and spring.

We will have seed lending, sorting, and drop-offs on the following days:

Jan. 21 (Winter Market, South Hall 11-1)
Jan. 28 (Library 12-2)
Feb. 18 (Winter Market, South Hall, 11-1)
Feb. 25 (Library, 12-2)
Mar. 4 (Library, 12-2)
Mar. 11 (Library, 12-2)
Mar. 18 (Winter Market, South Hall, 11-1)
Mar. 25 (Library, 12-2)
Apr. 29 (Winter Market, South Hall, 11-1)

If you’d like to learn more about the Seed Library, our inventory and other resources are available on our website at:

By |2023-01-30T22:01:03-08:00January 30th, 2023|Articles, Seedy Stories|

What does growing success look like to you?

by Elizabeth Latta, life-long grower

Do you have a favourite vegetable that you thought you heard was easy to grow? And it turned out that you couldn’t grow it for love or money (or so it seemed)? Such is my experience with spinach and beets. Did you know that in Hong Kong they sprout their beets indoors before they plant them out because the weather just is not cooperative otherwise (information gleaned from a Hong Kong gardener)? Here’s a brief account of my frustrations with these crops and how I have partially solved the problem.

Our main garden is on a south slope, with hardpan about 6” down, the site of an old log dump which had a great deal of island gravel dumped so that the trucks could load the logs. So, think of Findhorn, born on an old gravel pit in inhospitable conditions, only think of beating your head against a brick wall trying to duplicate that situation with too many other things to do to spend the time to bring in the necessary materials for the 10 pound cabbages.

More specifically, my challenge first was spinach and second was beets. Apparently spinach doesn’t like to grow when it is too hot. So when you seed it outdoors at the end of the summer as you are directed to do, it doesn’t sprout. Then you try to grow it indoors in little flats in late August with an idea of transplanting it in September when the weather is cooler. But somehow, in September, they just don’t thrive and by the time the first frost comes along you have miserable spindly plants that would only provide spinach to a mouse (of which we have an abundance). I have tried again, in the spring, to grow indoors and transplant but somehow, if the spinach gets above 6 inches, it goes to seed immediately (I guess I planted it too late but it was cold….).

Last year I had some success. Though it all comes at the same time and goes to seed pretty much the same way. You know how spinach produces a multitude of seeds on each plant? Well, there is a reason for that. Only some sprout, only some grow to any sort of maturity and they are not a long lived crew when the seasons change so rapidly as they have been doing. But my solution is companion planting with peas. I planted both my peas and my spinach in February and covered them with remay. The peas came first and some time later (3 or 4 weeks?) the identifiable first 2 leaves of the spinach appeared. They never grew to the size you can buy in the store but they were totally organic with only the nitrogen provided by the pea plants as additional nourishment. (Though we have tried over the years to make the soil more friable with liberal applications of leaves and chicken manure.) I’m thinking that if I had thinned the spinach and fed them with compost tea or other such goodies, they might have got bigger but there was enough and I didn’t have to labour too much over them. Broadcast the seeds in February (a wee raking to cover them a bit) and harvest about 2 months later.

As I am getting so very much older, companion planting where I don’t have to weed much and the plants really do feed each other seems like the ideal solution. And as for those beets, I have tried the plant and transplant method but with really minimal success. I am going to follow the advice of a very enthusiastic new gardener who told me that she grows what she grows with success and what else she needs she buys from those whose success lies in other areas.

How to contact us:
If you would you like to borrow seeds from the Seed Library of Galiano Society and/or share your successful, locally grown seeds with others in the community, please contact us at:, or visit our website at for more information.

By |2023-01-30T21:47:56-08:00January 30th, 2023|Articles|

Swiss Chard

By Francis Moyle, Director

I recently joined the Galiano Seed Library and I am really impressed with the locally viable seed selection available to the public. Once you become a member, you have access to the vast selection of seeds they maintain. One of my favorite and easiest vegetables to propagate is Swiss chard. Last year I grew a large plot of rainbow chard and since it has been grown year after year here on Galiano, the library’s Swiss chard seems to flourish well in our Mediterranean type climate. The Seed Library has two types: Rainbow Chard and Yellow Sunrise. Our inventory is available at

Here are some fun facts about Swiss chard. If you haven’t seen Swiss chard before, it has wide, fan like, shiny green, ribbed leaves with petioles (stalks) that range in colour from white to yellow to red. It is a sub species of Beta Vulgaris (beets). It has many common names such as Silver Beet, Strawberry Spinach, beet spinach, Seakale beet or leaf beet. The leaves are highly nutritious, making it quite popular among those with healthy diets. Swiss chard is native to the Mediterranean and is believed to have developed from a form of wild beet thousands of years ago. Aristotle mentions a red stalked chard around 350 BC. Sicily, Italy is considered the origin of Swiss chard. It was introduced to the North American continent by the colonists who considered it another form of beet, grown for its greens. The name “Swiss” was given because of the Swiss botanist, Karl Koch, who classified it in the early 1800’s.

Swiss chard can be eaten raw or cooked. Raw is considered less bitter than cooked. I love steaming it and eating it with butter and salt/pepper and a splash of balsamic vinegar. It is an excellent source of Vitamin A, K, C, E and Magnesium, along with Iron, Copper and Calcium. Swiss chard also contains the anti-oxidants, Beta Carotene, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Quercetin Kaempferol, Rutin and Vitexin, which protect your body from free radicals that may lead to certain diseases. Studies have found that consuming a diet high in antioxidants found in Swiss chard can decrease your chances of developing certain chronic diseases. Beta carotene helps reduce lung cancer, Kaempferol is a powerful anti-inflammatory, also found to attack pancreatic cancer cells and reducing their growth in a test tube study. Vitexin helps to reduce blood pressure, inflammation, and blocks the formation of blood clots. If you’re looking for a high fiber food, Swiss chard is a good source of fiber. 1 cup of cooked Swiss chard provides approx. 4 grams of fiber, which feeds beneficial gut bacteria, promotes regular bowel movements, helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels and stabilize blood sugar levels. Health organizations recommend 25-30 grams of fiber per day from food.

However, there is one thing to be aware of when eating Swiss chard. It is high in Oxalates, which play a role in the formation of Calcium Oxalate kidney stones. If you are prone to kidney stones, you may want to limit your intake of Swiss chard. To help prevent kidney stones, the average adult should be drinking 3.7 – 4L of water a day, reduce sodium salt intake and increase their calcium intake. There are a few easy ways to add Swiss chard to your diet. Saute it with coconut oil and add it to scrambles eggs or use it in soups or stews. You can add it raw to mixed green salads or add it to your favorite smoothie / veggie juicer. You can rub the leaves in olive oil and salt and bake for snack chips. Use it in place of basil when making homemade pesto or toss wilted leaves into pasta dishes. Try pickling the stems for a crunchy snack. Top a pizza with Swiss chard, mozzarella and tomatoes. Or stuff a chicken breast with Swiss chard and goat cheese. There are a lot of recipes out there using Swiss chard.

In the Gulf Islands, you would want to plant Swiss chard in the spring, 2-4 weeks before the last frost date, but planting now is fine too. It grows well in raised beds, potting containers, and directly in ground gardens. Space Swiss chard 12-18” (30-45cm) apart in nutrient rich, well-drained soil, with PH 6.0-6.8. You can get your growing season off to a great start by adding aged compost and other rich organic matter into your topsoil. You can increase the germination rate by soaking the seeds before planting in a bio-stimulant like Organic Vitazyme or a diluted mix of seaweed and spray on the leaves every 2-3 weeks throughout the growing season. Both contain growth regulators (PGR), or hormones that stimulate cell division and increase the rate of germination, which will get the roots to develop faster and give the plant a head start by reducing stress from environmental affects like fluctuating temperatures and pests. Bio-stimulants also increase the nutrient uptake in the plant creating robust growth. Once you plant the seeds in the soil, water directly after planting. Then water regularly once a week or every 2-3 days in the hottest days of summer. Adding straw, ground up leaves, or compost around the plants will help keep the soil cool during hot summer days.

Although not known for bolting (early flowering), chard can bolt if exposed to frost early in the season followed by soaring temperatures in the heat of summer. To reduce bolting it is recommended to set up a shade cloth over the growing area. If it does bolt, you can cut out the flowering stalk and the plant will keep producing leaves. You can harvest the leaves whenever they get large enough to eat. Young tender leaves are the most flavorful. In areas that do not experience a hard freeze, Swiss chard behaves like a perennial and can live for several years.

Swiss chard is biennial meaning it has a typical two-year life-cycle, which is important to know for seed saving. The first year, grow for food. Leave in the garden for the second year and let it go to seed after flowering. At the end of the season, pick or shake off the seeds before the autumn rains. Keep the seeds in a dry and dark place, then replant the following year.

Also don’t forget to save some seeds for the Seed Library of Galiano. Happy gardening everyone!

By |2024-06-27T11:45:53-07:00May 24th, 2022|Featured Seed|

Seed Library of Galiano Update

By Colleen Doty, President

Attention all seed savers and farmers: a Mobile Seed Cleaner, operated by Farm-Folk-City-Folk, will be coming to Galiano October 8, 2022 to showcase the possibilities of more efficient seed extraction. Joan Robertson has been busily coordinating to bring the Seed Mobile to Galiano the weekend of October 8, 2022 at the Lions Hall, also the last day of Galiano’s Saturday Market. Stay tuned as details evolve.

For more information on the Mobile Seed Cleaner, see:

The Seed Mobile is outfitted with seed cleaning equipment to help farmers save and clean their seeds; it is meant to save time on the oft-tedious tasks of cleaning seeds and allow producers to scale up and increase food security resiliency instead of relying on multi-national seed corporations to provide seed. 

On another note, I hope you will be inspired by Francis Moyle’s article this month on Swiss chard and its culinary possibilities. Chard is a versatile vegetable that thrives in our climate and can be cooked variety of ways. When I was the school garden coordinator years ago we made Swiss chard gratin with freshly grated nutmeg, deftly inspired by Huguette, and the kids and staff loved it. 

The Seed Library of Galiano is a volunteer-run non-profit society, now in its sixth year, with a mission to preserve and loan organically grown, non-GMO, open-pollinated, locally successful, and genetically diverse seed varieties to the Galiano community. If you are interested in volunteering or participating in some way, please reach out. Many hands bring many seeds. For more information, please see our website at:

By |2022-05-24T22:16:40-07:00May 24th, 2022|News|

Cross-Pollination and the Importance of Saving Galiano Seeds

By Doug Latta, Board Member

Photo of man with hat, glasses and blue and red jacket with forest in backgroundI recently became a director for the Seed Library of Galiano (SLOG). I soon learned how well organized and efficient the library operates, though it became clear to me how important and somewhat difficult it is to keep our seeds from becoming cross-pollinated.

Cross-pollination is when one plant pollinates a plant of another variety. The two plants’ genetic material combines and the resulting seeds from that pollination will have characteristics of both varieties and is a new variety. Sometimes cross-pollinating is used intentionally in the garden to create new varieties. Cross-pollinated plants will not produce ’true’ to the original parent and the results, while interesting, may be inferior.

SLOG has a detailed website which lists the seeds we have and describes the plant characteristics.

There are various strategies to avoid cross-pollination. The first step is to understand isolation distances for each type of plant you are growing. Seeds is an excellent resource for Growing Guides and Isolation Distances.

What is the purpose of SLOG?

  1. We encourage Galiano growers to borrow organic, open-pollinated (not hybridized) seeds, plant them, save the seed from several of the plants (if possible) and return the saved seeds to SLOG. This will ensure that this new seed is viable and able to reproduce the same plant in the following years.
  2. This borrow and return endeavour will keep the seeds fresh and the food supply sustainable year after year.
  3. Our seed supply becomes the saving of heritage plants that have proven to be successful in the Galiano environment over many years.

How the library works

  1. Go to our website Review the Inventory. See if any seeds interest you.
  2. Decide which seeds will work for you and your garden, considering sun exposure, growing difficulty, fenced areas, watering needs, and what you like to eat.
  3. Become a member of the Seed Library, if not already. Membership is $10 per person. Email us for details on how to join:
  4. Through email, send us a seed request for up to five different seed packages.
  5. Or, attend a SLOG distribution day in spring at the Galiano Library meeting room. You can sign out five different seed packages.
  6. Plant and grow out the seeds in an area where the plants will not cross-pollinate with other varieties of the same type of plant. This can be difficult; check to see how much distance is required to achieve this. Seeds is an excellent resource for Growing Guides and Isolation Distances. See
  7. After the plant has produced a seed crop, dry them and return some to the SLOG library. This can take two growing seasons to produce seed (e.g. onions, carrots).
  8. Watch for the days SLOG is open at the library. Communications happen through our email, Facebook Page @SeedLibraryofGaliano, and website

Saving seed that is adapted to our region is increasingly important as our climate changes. Be part of this worthy endeavour and feed yourself and your family nutritious, happy food.

By |2022-05-24T22:02:11-07:00May 24th, 2022|Articles|

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